Monday: Direct Instruction
Our direct instruction lesson came first, and in my opinion, it was one of the most difficult to plan, and teach. Going into the lesson I was very confident in our group's activities, and planning, but my main concern was trying to remember everything I wanted to say. Despite this, I thought it went extremely well. It was very reassuring to hear positive feedback from Mrs. Birnbryer, the teacher's aide, Dr. Smirnova, and our SS Methods colleagues as well.
I was very happy that the class liked our use of the gong. I was afraid it might be distracting and take away from the lesson, but it was very helpful when refocusing the class, and reminding them of important information from our lesson. I also thought that the guided practice was very helpful to the students. The visual aid poster made it a lot easier for the students to visualize Lewis and Clarke's journey west and was especially helpful when reviewing the guided practice timeline worksheet.

Overall, I was extremely satisfied with the outcome of this lesson. Aside from a few small changes, I would keep everything the same if I had to give another direct lesson on this topic.
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